SAP Webinar Workshops

CoreALM SAP Workshops

Simplify your PI/PO Migration

Simplify your SAP Process Integration to Process Orchestration (PI/PO) migration

The benefits of migrating from SAP Process Integration (PI) to Process Orchestration (PO) has gained momentum lately as SAP users start to realize the value of what a Simplified IT Landscape brings to them. With a single technical landscape platform, your applications are easier to configure, monitor and tune. PO also helps with Digital Transformation, as it speeds up internal development and provides more throughput for your IT team while ensuring compatibility with the latest technologies like SAP S/4HANA and hybrid cloud offerings. Furthermore, there is also the concern of PI’s ending support which means you have to migrate sooner than later.

This leads to many IT teams looking to use the capabilities of PO but are disappointed to learn that they may have to perform a migration from their existing PI systems. Although, SAP has created migration tools that moves or converts PI content and system to a PO system, there are still several key items like ccBPM logic and ABAP mapping logic that might still require manual migration.

In this workshop, we will show you how we can simplify the PI/PO migration process and take the path of least resistance with your team to successfully migrate off your PI system and reap the benefits of a perfectly running SAP PO system.

Featured Speakers

    • Donik Mullaademi
      Senior SAP Solution Manager and ALM Consultant


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