Scope and Manage processes utilizing ready to use Best Practices and test properly using SAP Solution Manager Test Suite


   Erald Ceka
    SAP Solution Manager Scrum Master and Focused Build Coach






    Veton Krasniqi

SAP Solution Manager Testing Expert and Focused Build Coach

Join us Thursday, May 4
7:00 AM PST / 10:00 AM EST

Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to scope and manage processes using SAP best practices and properly test them using SAP Solution Manager Test Suite. Managing best practices and testing can be a difficult and time-consuming process, especially if you’re using traditional tools like Word or Excel. SAP Focused Build and SAP Solution Manager Test Suite offer a range of options to improve the creation and execution of both manual and automated test scripts. By integrating SAP best practices and its methodologies, CoreALM is able to increase the reliability of a customer’s SAP and non-SAP Solution landscape, while at same time maximize their SAP investment, improve quality and lower total cost of ownership. 

In this workshop, you will learn: 

  • Import and scope SAP Best Practice Content into SAP Solution Manager and analyze the best practices business processes  
  • How to leverage SAP Solution Manager Test Suite to conduct various types of tests, including unit, single functional, acceptance, functional integration, regression, and performance tests. 
  • Common problems, questions, and concerns when managing SAP test scripts 
  • CoreALM provides services and expertise to help you implement, configure and adopt SAP ALM toolset. 
  • Better alternatives available in SAP Solution Manager, SAP Focused Build, and Test Suite for managing test cases and test automation scripts 
  • How to use Solution Manager’s tools to drive maximum efficiency and compliance within all aspects of SAP testing 
  • Live demo showcasing how you can streamline your testing process and achieve better results. 


Attendees will learn how to use Solution Manager’s tools and CoreALM Scrum Board to drive maximum efficiency and compliance within all aspects of SAP testing. Additionally, a live demonstration to showcase how you can streamline your testing process and achieve better results. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your SAP testing to the next level. Register now!