SAP Webinar Workshops

CoreALM SAP Workshops

SAP Solution Manager Integrate JIRA

Integrate JIRA with SAP Solution Manager and bring better productivity to your team

Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager delivers a seamless requirements-to-deploy process and is integratable with Jira, this benefits customers that currently using Jira to bring even greater productivity. In this webinar we will look at how you can integrate Atlassian Jira with SAP Solution Manager and the benefits of this integration.

Join us in this workshop to learn how:

  • What are the pre-requisites of having the integration with Jira.
  • How your functional process will extend with Jira
  • Why it is important to have this integration for your SAP digital transformation or innovation projects like SAP S/4HANA implementations
  • A live demo with a real-world scenario demonstrating capabilities of this integration

We look forward to providing you valuable insights and how you can improve your DevOps team with the right set of tools.

SAP Jira Integration

Featured Speakers

    • Fisnik Veseli
      SAP Architect

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